Sacha Channell Coaching

Write Down Your Obstacles

Have you picked a goal in which to dedicate your time, energy, and focus? And jotted down everything that will be involved in making that goal a reality? Now it’s time to indulge your brain a little bit.

I want you to brainstorm (and write down) every obstacle standing between you and this particular goal. Your brain is great at coming up with barriers, so let it!

Write them out and don’t hold back. Your brain is often well-meaning with regard to its offerings of why something won’t work. It is wired to scan your surroundings for danger and difficulty and fire off the red flags it finds.

Here are a few of my brain’s favorite suggestions:

You’ve never done this before! 😯
You’re not good with technology! 😬
You might do this wrong! 😳
It has to be done perfectly! 🤥

While this is completely normal, it doesn’t mean that we have to surrender our dreams in the process. Many times our brains are wrong about things. Hard work, doing new things, stepping outside our comfort zones, etc. won’t hurt us even though our brains suggest otherwise!

The thoughts don’t even have to go away in order for us to continue pursuing our goals! 🤔

So keep going!!!

We are taking this slow because I want you to see the power in breaking a goal down into manageable parts. It helps to calm the brain while keeping you moving onward and upward!

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