
Sacha Channell Coaching


For decades I felt helpless and out of control when it came to managing my sweet tooth. I loved sugary treats and junk food of all types. I ate when people weren’t looking. I ate until my stomach ached but never felt satisfied. I regretted my decisions and resolved to do better. For a while it worked, but it never lasted. Sugar, in particular, was like a magnet drawing me into its grasp. I was concerned that I was setting myself up for future health problems because I knew sugar wasn’t good for my body, but I couldn’t imagine my life without it. Sweets helped soothe my emotions (or so I thought) when I was angry, hurt or bored. I thought something was seriously wrong with me because I had no “off” switch. 

I greatly desired sugary foods, but I don’t anymore! Surprisingly, it wasn’t as difficult as I had imagined. I found out that the very thing that held me back (desire) in one area is the very thing that, if properly managed, could propel me forward into the amazing life I craved.

Now I have the privilege of coaching others who also feel at the mercy of their sweet tooth to regain control of their life by redirecting their desire in purposeful ways. I can help you end the struggle with sugar and unlock the door of weight loss permanently. Your future self will thank you!

My Passion

I am passionate about helping people alleviate the mental and emotional suffering associated with losing weight. My approach to weight loss is different from other programs.  I do “causal coaching” which means I help you identify and solve the cause of your issue at its root. In weight loss, I help individuals end the struggle with food for good, so they can achieve the weight loss they desire. Not only do I talk about protocol with my clients, but I also explain what’s going on in their mind and teach them how to manage urges and cravings. This helps them take back their power where weight loss is concerned. I teach clients a unique process that they can maintain for life which is the big difference between weight loss coaching and dieting. This has been immensely helpful and seems to be the missing piece of the puzzle for most of the people I have worked with. It takes the agony and drama out of weight loss. Additionally, the beautiful thing about my program is that the skills one learns for weight loss are applicable to other areas of their life like relationships with self and others, career, goal setting, confidence, etc.

What I Can Help You With:

  • Understand why you haven’t been able to lose weight and keep it off in the past and why this time is different.
  •  Lose weight naturally without dieting.
  • Manage urges effortlessly without willpower by extinguishing the desire for sweets and other junk food.
  • End the struggle with food permanently by gaining control of your eating habits.
  • Develop a clear vision of your desired goal and move toward it with confidence.
  • Maintain long-term weight loss.
  • Feel Better mentally, emotionally, and physically.
  •  Improve and enhance other areas of your life using the skills and tools learned in the weight loss journey.