
Sacha Channell Coaching

Tame Your Sweet Tooth
Lose Weight!

Tame Your Sweet Tooth

Small Group Coaching Program

Next Round begins:  TBD  (sign up below to get on the waitlist)

Ready To End The
Struggle With Sweets Permanently?

This Program Includes:

Group Sessions

  • 4 Weekly Live Calls (1 hour long–teaching plus coaching)
  • New topic of focus every week to help you develop skills & tools for conquering your sweet tooth
  • Opportunities to learn, grow, and implement!

Additional Support

  • Private Facebook Group offering community atmosphere and additional trainings
  • Accountability
  • Access to certified coach for on-going help throughout the week for duration of program

Sign Up Today to Finally Tame Your Sweet Tooth!

bananas, dessert, sweets

Does it seem like sweets and junk food are always calling your name, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to extinguish the urge to indulge? Or maybe you have even been able to leave them behind for a while, but inevitably, your sweet tooth bites back with a vengeance and seems to sabotage your weight loss efforts! Why is it so hard?

Work With Me

If you dream of being able to control your eating habits and lose weight once and for all, I can help!  I will show you how to drain the agony out of weight loss by teaching you to tame your sweet tooth! Now is the perfect time!


I'm Sacha

I am passionate about helping people alleviate the mental and emotional suffering associated with losing weight. My approach to weight loss is different from other programs.  I do “causal coaching” which means I help you identify and solve the cause of your issue at its root. In weight loss, I help individuals end the struggle with food for good, so they can achieve the weight loss they desire.

My Goals are to help you...

  • Understand why you haven’t been able to lose weight and keep it off in the past and why this time is different.
  •  Lose weight naturally without dieting.
  • Manage urges effortlessly without willpower by extinguishing the desire for sweets and other junk food.
  • End the struggle with food permanently by gaining control of your eating habits.
  • Develop a clear vision of your desired goal and move toward it with confidence.
  • Maintain long-term weight loss.
  • Feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Sacha has taught me so many life changing tools. I have grown in confidence as I have discovered so much about myself, both good and bad. I am empowered to reach for goals and dreams I once thought no way. Thank you Sacha.

- Sally R.

Life is about making choices. Sacha helped me figure out why I make the choices I do, and how to make better choices. What may seem a simplistic action, actually has thought behind it. She has taught me how to change my mindset to reach my goals. She is so encouraging! With each session, I just felt better afterwards, uplifted and ready to face difficult decisions and situations with confidence.

- Susan B.

I have been holding back a lot of feelings and emotions for many years. Sacha has helped me get to a good place where I am finally feeling good about myself and accepting myself for who I am at the present moment. She is there anytime I need to call and vent or discuss my current feelings on a certain situation. I am making change not only for myself but to be a better person for my son. I have learned so much from her over the past few months. This has TRULY been a life changing experience for me. I can never repay her for what she has done, but what a blessing she is.

- Melissa A.